
Get a digital solution for the Transparency Act today.


Get a digital solution for the Transparency Act today.

Alsaker Fjordbruk Berika AS Norsk Elbilforening Mestergruppen Smir Logo Liergruppen Hammerfest Energi AS AS Rockwool Elkraft Alta Kraftlag Ford Harstad K. Lerøy Ymber AS Nordic Mining Mustad Eiendom Transparency Gate HD Hyundai Smir Logo Berika AS Norsk Elbilforening Mestergruppen Alsaker Fjordbruk Liergruppen Hammerfest Energi AS AS Rockwool Elkraft Steni Alta Kraftlag Ford Harstad K. Lerøy Ymber AS Nordic Mining Mustad Eiendom Transparency Gate HD Hyundai Gosh Norge AS Smir Logo Berika AS Norsk Elbilforening Mestergruppen Alsaker Fjordbruk Liergruppen Hammerfest Energi AS AS Rockwool Elkraft Steni Alta Kraftlag Ford Harstad K. Lerøy Ymber AS Nordic Mining Mustad Eiendom Transparency Gate HD Hyundai Gosh Norge AS

Information requirement

Interested parties can easily submit a request with a name or anonymously for information on how the organization handles diligence. 



Our solution is set up according to best practices in line with the Transparency Act, OECD's guidelines, and international laws.


Due Diligence

Conduct due diligence assessments of your organization, supply chain, and map out risks.

Get full control of your supply chain with TransparencyGate


Overview of Suppliers

You get a good overview of the suppliers, assessments of due diligence, risks, and other information you desire. You can map out risks, appoint someone responsible for it, and follow up on control measures.

Statistics and reporting

Gather statistics for due diligence development, risk, or freely select data. You can retrieve statistics on the number of information requests and what information is being requested.



Response to information requests

According to the Transparency Act, every company must respond to information requests from the public within 3 weeks. We have developed an intuitive solution that makes this easy and safe for both your organization and the public.


Ensure your company's accountability with TransparencyGate

Do you want to improve your company's work on human rights and good working conditions? TransparencyGate helps you easily register and monitor both your own business and your suppliers. Use our digital tools for signing, questionnaires, and anonymous reporting to gain full control and overview. Book a meeting today and start the journey towards full transparency and accountability. 

Customer Reviews

After we started using TransparencyGate for our due diligence and information requests, it has made our work with the Transparency Act much easier. TransparencyGate gives us a better ability to detect risks of human rights and labor violations.

Erik Skramstad Olsen

HMS & Compliance leder | Mestergruppen

TransparencyGate has significantly eased the work with the Transparency Act for us. The information we get from the system makes it easy to follow up with each supplier and provides us with a clear overview both individually and collectively. We have all the information we need in one place. Additionally, the system offers several templates, including a great template for reporting. By using a template as a foundation, we ensure that all legally required information is included. TransparencyGate is user-friendly, clear, and competitively priced. We at Gosh are very satisfied with the system, as well as the training, help, and service provided.

Anita Løkken

Sustainablility Manager | Gosh AS

We have been working with TransparencyGate for over a year, since we became subject to the requirements of the Transparency Act. Their solution provides us with a clear overview of all our agreements, is easy to use, and has saved us many working hours in our obligation to comply with the Transparency Act. Support is readily available, and we appreciate that the company continuously develops the service. We are very satisfied with the quality of the service, their reliability, and how pleasant they are to work with! We can confidently recommend TransparencyGate to others.

Anita Friberg

HR-leder | Norsk elbilforening AS

With TransparencyGate, we gained a clear overview of the mapping process of our suppliers, and it was intuitive. This made our due diligence work efficient, and we received excellent administrative support along the way.

Håvard Sveahaugen

Sustainability Manager | Rockwool AS

Erik skramstad olsen
Anita Gosh
Håvard Sveahaugen
Asset 122525

Why use TransparencyGate?

20,000+ registered suppliers in the archive solution

With our solution, you gain access to an extensive archive of suppliers. The number of registered suppliers is rapidly increasing, providing you with a unique opportunity to collaborate and exchange valuable information, improving sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.

Cost-Effectiveness through Time Savings

With a good portal for managing the Transparency Act, organizations can save significant time, with the help of:

  1. Automated Reporting: The portal can automate the reporting process, so you don't need to spend time on manual collection and compilation of data.

  2. Easy Access: All necessary information and documentation can be available in one place, saving time in the search process.

  3. Alerts and Reminders: The portal can send alerts and reminders about important deadlines and tasks, helping you avoid delays.

  4. Data Analysis: TransparencyGate has analysis tools that can quickly generate insights from your data, which in turn can save time when you need to assess compliance.

Reporting tool

TransparencyGate is a reporting tool that can be shared with key personnel internally or externally to demonstrate compliance with laws and directives.

Enhanced Reputation and Trust

A portal for managing the Transparency Act provides a clear indication of an organization's commitment to responsible and transparent operations. This can help build trust among customers, partners, and regulatory authorities, and improve your reputation as a reliable actor in the industry.

Contact us

Contact us

Would you like to speak with one of us at TransparencyGate?

Feel free to contact us for a non-binding conversation! We always respond quickly. You can also call us if you want to talk right now.


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– "I take great pleasure in delivering smart solutions to satisfied customers"

Severin Eikrem
Business Developer
(+47) 462 98 666