
Real-time Monitoring of Suppliers

TransparencyGate Presents LiveWatch

An advanced monitoring feature that provides continuous insights into what is happening with your registered suppliers.

LiveWatch gathers news articles mentioning your suppliers, enabling you to quickly identify and respond to critical events. This is an essential tool for ensuring compliance with the Transparency Act and maintaining a responsible supply chain.

LiveWatch by TransparencyGate - PC

What LiveWatch by TransparencyGate Does

  • Monitors news sources and captures relevant articles

  • Alerts you about issues related to human rights violations, corruption, acquisitions, and sales

  • Allows you to analyze and manage potential risks

  • Helps ensure that your supply chain meets ethical and legal requirements


Why Is This Important?

An increased focus on sustainability and ethical business practices requires continuous insight into your supply chain. With LiveWatch, you gain real-time information that enables you to detect challenges early, reduce risks, and ensure that your business operates in compliance with current regulations.

By using LiveWatch, companies can proactively manage risks associated with suppliers. This leads to more efficient supply chain management, reduces the risk of being involved in scandals, and ensures regulatory compliance. This is particularly important in industries where ethical and sustainable standards are crucial for long-term success.



How LiveWatch Works:

  1. The system monitors and retrieves news related to your suppliers.

  2. You receive alerts when relevant articles are published.

  3. Use TransparencyGate to analyze and take necessary actions.

Old newspaper
Livewatch - TransparencyGate

By utilizing LiveWatch, businesses can proactively manage supplier-related risks. It enables more efficient supply chain oversight, minimizes the likelihood of involvement in scandals, and ensures compliance with regulations. This is especially crucial in industries where ethical and sustainable standards are key to long-term success.

Furthermore, LiveWatch contributes to a more transparent value chain. With easy access to updated supplier information, businesses can make informed decisions, strengthen their reputation, and demonstrate to consumers and investors that they take social responsibility seriously. Transparency also provides a competitive advantage, as customers increasingly expect companies to be accountable for their entire value chain.

Ensure Full Oversight of Your Supply Chain

Do you want to be proactive in managing supplier risks? With LiveWatch, you can make informed decisions and protect your business from potential challenges.

Contact us

Egen leverandørside hos

Når du registrerer deg, får bedriften din en personlig side på


Hva inneholder siden?
  • Bedriftsinformasjon, inkludert organisasjonsnummer og NACE-koder.
  • Mulighet for å søke opp din bedrift etter valgfri "tags" eller bedriftsnavn.
  • Informasjon om din aktsomhetsvurdering hvis den er gjennomført via TransparencyGate.
FinnFrem.Leverandørvisning -,avrunderpng

Aktsomhetsvurdering gjennomført

Vil du vise at din bedrift jobber med bærekraft, menneskerettigheter og anstendige arbeidsforhold?
Gjennomfør en OECD-basert aktsomhetsvurdering via TransparencyGate og få kvalitetsstempelet "Aktsomhetsvurdering gjennomført" på din leverandørprofil.
Dette kvalitetsstempelet gir dine potensielle kunder en tydelig indikator på at bedriften tar ansvar og jobber i tråd med etiske prinsipper.


Godkjent aktsomhetsvurdering gjennom TransparencyGate

Når aktsomhetsvurderingen din er godkjent, får du:
  • Et kvalitetsstempel som fremhever bedriftens bærekraftsarbeid.
  • Økt tillit hos potensielle kunder som verdsetter ansvarlige leverandører.

En del av ett større nettverk


Som en del av FinnFrem og TransparencyGate blir du en del av et voksende nettverk av leverandører som setter bærekraft i sentrum.

Hva gir dette deg?
  • Kunder kan enkelt finne og evaluere deg basert på komplett aktsomhetsvurdering, risikokartlegging og bærekraftsarbeid.
  • Økt synlighet blant bedrifter som verdsetter åpenhet og ansvarlighet.
TransparencyGate portal CSDDD - OECD Metode

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