
Let us show you how you can easily facilitate reporting of reprehensible conditions.


Let us show you how you can easily facilitate reporting of reprehensible conditions.

Agenda Framo AS Infinitum Tide Norges musikk korps Redd Barna Ymber AS Havtil IMDI Borregaard AS Den norske kirke Antec Biogas Fellesforbundet Arendals Fossekompany Bergen kommune Abakus - Linjeforeningen for datateknologi og kommunikasjonsteknologi ved NTNU Keystone Alver kommune Tv 2 AS Statens Kartverk Aritma AS Hurtigruten Norges Fiskarlag Adventure tech as BCC norge Norges Ungdomslag Inslula Steen-Hansen AS Grønneviken AS Baruda AS Garda sikring My car Norges Sjakkforbund Island Drilling Company AS Vivino Den norske kirke Agenda Framo AS Infinitum Tide Norges musikk korps Redd Barna Ymber AS Havtil IMDI Borregaard AS Den norske kirke Antec Biogas Fellesforbundet Arendals Fossekompany Bergen kommune Abakus - Linjeforeningen for datateknologi og kommunikasjonsteknologi ved NTNU Keystone Alver kommune Tv 2 AS Statens Kartverk Aritma AS Hurtigruten Norges Fiskarlag Adventure tech as BCC norge Norges Ungdomslag Inslula Steen-Hansen AS Grønneviken AS Baruda AS Garda sikring My car Norges Sjakkforbund Island Drilling Company AS Vivino Den norske kirke Agenda Framo AS Infinitum Tide Norges musikk korps Redd Barna Ymber AS Havtil IMDI Borregaard AS Den norske kirke Antec Biogas Fellesforbundet Arendals Fossekompany Bergen kommune Abakus - Linjeforeningen for datateknologi og kommunikasjonsteknologi ved NTNU Keystone Alver kommune Tv 2 AS Statens Kartverk Aritma AS Hurtigruten Norges Fiskarlag Adventure tech as BCC norge Norges Ungdomslag Inslula Steen-Hansen AS Grønneviken AS Baruda AS Garda sikring My car Norges Sjakkforbund Island Drilling Company AS Vivino Den norske kirke
Tilpasset lovverk i Norge og EU

Customized to laws in EU & US

Customized to the Whistleblower Protection Act, GDPR, the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act.

Informasjon er kryptert. Alle brukere får tildelt brukernavn og passord. Saksbehandler kan ha sikker og trygg dialog, også med anonym varsler.


Information is encrypted. All users are assigned a username and password. The case handler can have a secure and safe dialogue, also with an anonymous whistleblower.

Tilgjengelighet 24/7


Cloud solution available 24/7. Accessible on all digital platforms. Get a Whistleblowing Poster with your own QR code for your unique portal. 

Opplæring - For ansatte, ledere, styret og ansattrepresentanter. Nettkurs og webinar i tråd med gjeldende retningslinjer og lovverk.


For employees, managers, board members, and employee representatives. Online courses and webinars in accordance with current guidelines and legislation.

Varsler, saksbehandler, administrator, lesebruker. Enkelt å opprette nye roller.

Roles in MyVoice

Whistleblower, case handler, administrator, read-only user. Easy to create new roles.

Kartlegging av risiko, rutiner for varsling, etiske retningslinjer, saksbehandling og statistikk.

Easy to tailor the solution

Risk mapping, procedures for whistleblowing, ethical guidelines, case management, and statistics.

By facilitating for whistleblowing, the board and management demonstrate their care for employees. The result shows increased well-being and less sick leave.

Three full years with the reporting channel have given NFF a better overview of incidents that were not previously reported and made it easier for everyone involved in football to report unwanted events.
The reporting channel has been positively received, and the clubs have shown good handling when involved in a case.
Despite successful experiences, NFF still has a task ahead of them to increase awareness about the reporting channel and create a sense of security that it is safe to report, as well as to continue training for case handlers.

Rasmus Olstad Semmerud

Subject Area Manager, Fair play and Inclusion, Club and Activity | Norges fotballforbund

Frydenbø Group has implemented measures to ensure a positive work environment and prevent objectionable conditions. An important step in this direction is the introduction of "MittVarsel," a reporting system that provides employees with a secure channel to report objectionable conditions they observe or experience. With clear ethical guidelines and transparent reporting procedures, the company aims to foster an open culture where employees feel safe reporting concerns.

Eva Fonn Alsaker

HR-Director | Frydenbø AS

MittVarsel/MyVoice marked a significant upgrade and improved handling of alerts, especially since we can now also communicate with anonymous whistleblowers. The channel is very stable in operation, and there are excellent opportunities for individual customization and design for each company.

Effective whistleblowing management is a strong contributor to healthy operations.

Trude J Hagen

Intern utredning | Gjensidige AS

Rasmus Olstad Semmerud
Eva - fotograf Trude Brun Wilhelmsen-3962_pp-2-1
Trude J Hagen
Asset 122525

Is it profitable to facilitate whistleblowing?

Better working environment

With clear ethical guidelines and effective whistleblowing procedures, leadership demonstrates that they take whistleblowing seriously. Employees are aware of the rules and how to report reprehensible conditions to ensure their cessation.

Sick leave drops

Various studies indicate that around 20% of sick leave is due to a poor working environment.

Clear whistleblowing procedures allow the organization to become aware of bullying and harassment early and stop the situations before they escalate. By working preventively, we will eventually prevent new situations from arising.

Building reputation

We assume that most employees like to identify with an employer's values.

With a good reputation, the organization attracts more qualified candidates for job vacancies. In procurement, a buyer will prefer a supplier with a good reputation over one with negative media coverage.

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Feel free to contact us for a non-binding conversation! We always respond quickly. You can also call us if you want to talk now.


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– «I take great pleasure in delivering smart solutions to satisfied customers.»

Severin Eikrem
Business Developer
(+47) 462 98 666