



Statement for TransparencyGate AS

This statement outlines how TransparencyGate AS systematically identifies and assesses actual and potential negative impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. This includes impacts that TransparencyGate has caused, contributed to, or could have contributed to. Additionally, we describe how we work to implement appropriate measures to stop, prevent, or mitigate such negative impacts.

The purpose of this statement is to provide the public with insight into TransparencyGate's key findings from our due diligence assessments and the measures that have been implemented.

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Our Commitment to Human Rights

We adhere to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and uphold all internationally recognized human rights. This includes, but is not limited to, rights established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and relevant UN conventions. Our commitment extends to our suppliers and partners, from whom we expect the same high ethical standards.


Ethical Collaboration and Our Suppliers

Our ethical guidelines for suppliers are stringent and comprehensive. They cover everything from prohibiting forced labor and child labor to ensuring safe and fair working conditions. We require all our suppliers to not only comply with these guidelines but also engage in continuous improvement through regular due diligence assessments.


Transparency in Our Value Chain

Through our digital solution, TransparencyGate, we offer a portal where both the public and our partners can access detailed information on how we and our suppliers operate. We emphasize traceability and transparency, enabling us to identify and manage any risks in our value chain effectively.


Commitment to Improvement

We receive and handle all inquiries and reports regarding standards violations through our digital portal. Each inquiry is treated with the utmost seriousness to ensure that we continuously improve our practices and maintain a responsible business environment.


Invitation to Dialogue

We encourage all stakeholders to engage with us through our portal or by direct contact. Your input is crucial for us to maintain the highest standards of ethical practices and human rights protection.

At TransparencyGate AS, we lead by example by complying with the Transparency Act and implementing best practices throughout our operations. We invite you to learn more and engage with us through our website and digital platform.


Click here to go to our portal 

Download: TransparencyGate - Redegjørelse.2024

DownloadTransparencyGate - Styretsvedtak

Download: TransparencyGate - Etiske retningslinjer for leverandører

Do you have any other questions? Feel free to contact us through the portal, email, or here on our website.


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Feel free to contact us for a non-binding conversation! We always respond quickly. You can also call us if you want to talk right now.


Severin Eikrem crop circle

– "I take great pleasure in delivering smart solutions to satisfied customers"

Severin Eikrem
Business Developer
(+47) 462 98 666